The Key to Rentals

Is the Fairport liftbridge EVER going to re-open?

The Village of Fairport NY has a lot to offer, including the canal, shopping, banks, restaurants and bars.  Sometimes we just want to get from one side to the other though.Anybody that passes through the village regularly knows that getting stopped by a passing train is a dice roll.  We know the Whitney Rd. - Turk Hill Rd. - E. ...

WHAT is going on with Rentals?

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WHAT is going on with rentals?Changes to the rental market over the past two years have been incredibly impactful to both tenants and landlords. The rental market has been absolutely crazy, and not to anyone’s benefit. So, what happened? To a landlord, the risk of renting a property is that the tenant is either not going to pay...

5 Reasons to not pay down your mortgage early

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Mortgage debt is the largest single obligation for many households. Paying off that mortgage can feel like a weight has been lifted. There are many strategies people use to accelerate the rate they pay off their mortgage, including refinancing to a shorter term, paying extra each month, or periodically sending principal payments to reduce...

Landlords Share Your Stories

LandlordsShare your stories!

How much house can you afford? 5 questions to ask yourself.

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How much house can you afford? 5 questions to ask yourself. Not getting in over your head with a housing payment should be a concern whether you are renting or buying a house. A mortgage lender may tell you what you are qualified for, but you also need to consider what you know you can afford. Getting the most expensive hou...

Can you purchase a home without a Realtor?

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Can you buy a house without a Realtor?Yes.Don’t.When you are shopping for a house, there can be a feeling of independence; looking at places online, going to open houses, looking over your budget to see what you can afford. That is all great.  You should put a lot of effort into finding what is right for you. When you are ...

What is an Escrow Account?

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What is an escrow account?Buying a home can be exciting and stressful all at the same time. The thrill of making friends in your new neighborhood, redecorating, and having a place to call your own is the American dream. Purchasing a home can be confusing though. Most people only do it a few times in their life. We hear our Realtors a...

Selecting a Property Manager

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How to select a property manager for your rental property.The previous article “Should I hire a property Manager” discussed some of the items to consider in deciding if you want to manage your rental property yourself, or hire a professional. So, if you decide to have a rental property manager manage your rental property, how ...

Should I Hire a Property Manager? Five Questions to Ask Yourself.

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If you are asking this question, you are probably either just entering the landlord business, or have been in the business for a while and are looking for a better way. Several decades ago, the landlord business was much different. Landlords rented to whomever they wanted, based upon any criteria, and if the rent was not paid, it was...

Explainer Video

When The Key to Rentals opened in 2018, "explainer videos" were all the rage.  This is still a good video, but perhaps the genre is fading...What do you think?

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